read SHHM 2022 Exclusive Training Plans Are Out!

SHHM 2022 Exclusive Training Plans Are Out!

SHHM 2022 Exclusive Training Plans Are Out!

You have roughly 100 days to train and prepare before the race starts, and your training will need to be special, more focused on conditioning your body to climb the elevation with grace.

Your heart/cardiorespiratory fitness will need scaling up. And you will need more power, endurance, strength to climb and rundown these hills. But don’t worry we have plans that address these needs to train you for the race. 

For this year’s Satara Hill Half Marathon, fitpage is the training and race technology partner, and to this effect fitpage has thoroughly studied the Satara route, and created training plans that are very specific to the race.

These plans are designed to climb the hills, be it for beginners or trained athletes, and provide instructions on paces and intensities considering your target and current fitness level.

Download the all new fitpage app!

SHHM 2022 is offering 3 medals:

  1. Hill Champion gets Gold: For finishing the race within 2 hours
  2. Hill Conqueror gets Silver: For finishing the race within 2:30 hours
  3. Hill Challenger gets Bronze: For being on feet for more than 2:30 hours and  finishing the race

On the fitpage app you will find training plans that are designed keeping these medals and finish times in mind. For every medal and plan your training paces are well adjusted to appropriately condition your body. The plans host strength training workouts that are indispensable to run the hills, and provide audio guided workouts

The app also has an interesting tool fit500 test that is built to measure your cardiorespiratory fitness and your current fitness level. It would be a good idea to take the test to determine a realistic goal for your Satara Hill Half Marathon.

Feel free to reach out to us if you need more details on the training plans and the app:
